This story is about two girls named Mila Magata and Subhadra Magata (real names changes) who earned their living as garbage collectors and have never been in a school before. They landed at the KSK when one of the Facilitator of Kureshinagar KSK encountered them while on her way to the center. At that time, the facilitator saw two girls collecting garbage one morning and decided to intervene. She talked to these girls, convinced them and brought them along to the KSK center.
At the center, the two girls were given a warm welcome and introduced to many other out of school children. The girls at first were very curious about the center and talked in Awadhi (a local language) asking many things: what do we do here? Who are all these children? Why have you brought us here? After clearing away their doubts they finally agreed to come regularly to the centre to study. They however in the beginning gave fake names but later they revealed their true names and also brought along 12 other children from their local village at Hirmaniya VDC.
The two girls were enrolled at the KSK on 26th April 2017. On further getting close to these children, the girls were sisters and revealed their true identity and were 13 and 10 years old respectively. They wanted to learn how to write their own names and that is why they wanted to come here. They usually arrive at the KSK center late in the afternoon after completing their daily chores. The pretest of their learning levels shows that they do not know anything. The attendance profile shows that till October (six months), 2017 the children have attended KSK for 123 and 127 days respectively. During this time, they have learnt how to write their names in Nepali and English, learnt to add and subtract numbers. They love to dance and draw pictures and have a fine time at the center.