A young girl named Geeta Praja (name changed) aged 16, a resident of Dhading, Nepal migrated to Chitwan in search of work. Her father Dipak Praja and mother still live in Dhading doing household works. She is from the Chepang community, which is Nepal's most marginalized and indigenous community group. Her family has left the nomadic lifestyle of the Chepangs. They however are faced with economic difficulties. Being the eldest daughter, Manisha had to shoulder lots of responsibilities. She consequently dropped out from grade 3 in the village school in order support her family. She started working at hotels cleaning dishes, preparing tea and lunch for the customers and earning NPR 3500-4000 per month.
Rita Thapa and Sushila Lama are facilitators at the flexible learning center-KSK at Samudayak Sewa Kendra. As part of their survey, they found Geeta Praja working at the local hotel. The facilitators found that Geeta was very busy preparing tea and lunch for the costumers. They however intervened and finally got to talk with Geeta the next day. The facilitators found Geeta was highly reluctant to resume her studies because she claimed how occupied she was with her work and how important her work was to the survival of her family in Dhading. However, after hearing about the flexibility of timing that she can come at her spare time, she finally agreed to come. As a result, on 25 November 2016, Geeta came to KSK for the first time and spent an hour at the centre. During the week, Geeta was not very sociable with making new friends and interacting with them. She was however very much active while cleaning the centre and keeping things orderly. Geeta in no time became close with the facilitators and shared her personal feelings and activities at the hotel. She however expressed her unwillingness to go to school because of her age and family responsibility.
As part of linkage with other organizations to support for children at the KSK, Samudayak coordinated with Ratnanagar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI). Accordingly, RRCI had organized a training on sewing and stitching and Geeta showed a great interest to learn this skill which she thought has the potential to improve her earning. She ireceived her 9 month long training and also manages to do her hotel job as well as coming regularly to the KSK to learn. She was however weak in maths but she knows that she has to learn this skill to help her with the sewing and sticthing job which she has decided that she wants to take this as her career. Manisha is coming regularly and also learning new things. She seems happy that this opportunity to come to the KSK has opened up new avenues of learning that has even helped her to dream big and stay happy.