A nine day capacity building training was organized from 2nd November 2014 to 10th November 2014 at Hotel New Indreni, Nepalgunj. There were a total of 21 participants (5 Male 16 female) that were the Facilitators (8), Volunteers/ Interns (4), Focal persons (4), Others (5). This first phase training has been focused on delivering the required knowledge, attitudes and skills to deliver the MGML methodologies using learning cards and supplementary materials and to orient on the management of KSK and GST operation including monitoring, record keeping and mentoring.
The training was delivered through a participatory approach supported by different visual aids, brainstorming and group discussions. Similarly, the trainers focussed on experiential learning through games, practical exercises, and role plays, songs, drama, storytelling, mini lecture, demonstration, analysis & evaluation of participants’ presentations, and theoretical inputs. Similarly, Dissemination/Display, Micro teaching, Problem solving, Case study, Station/ Gallery/ Learning circle, Buzz group, Debate, Snow bowling, Observation, Field visit/ Project work, Experimental, Interview, Question answer, Creative writing and Project work etc were used effectively to build the capacity of the participants.