Samunnat Nepal organized a three day capacity building training in two places: at Dhulikhel from 16th to 18th December 2014 and at Nepalgunj from 28-30 December 2014 to trainers and teachers of the targeted schools and non-formal centres. Both the trainings were residential with a total of 44 participants (41 Male, 3 female) that were the Teachers (33), DEO personnel from 5 target districts (5), NCED trainers including ETC trainer (4), CDC experts (2) attended the training. Officers from the UNICEF (3) and Samunnat Nepal (5) were also involved in the training.
The first training was carried out amongst NCED trainers, CDC experts and DEO personnel and teachers from two districts of Lamjung and Sankhuwasabha. Mr Paul Moclair, a senior trainer from Aflatoun- Amsterdam facilitated most of the sessions while Mr Padam Dhungana and Mr Yubaraj Laudari facilitated some of the sessions related to the learning materials developed by Samunnat Nepal as there were a mixture of participants including trainers and teachers. The second phase training had exclusive teachers and DEO personnel from three districts of Doti, Surkhet and Rautahat districts and the training was facilitated by Samunnat Trainers- Mr Padam Dhungana, Yubaraj Laudari and NCED trainer- Ms Renuka Adhikari with Training Coordinator as Mr Krishna Poudel, Section Officer from DOE.
The first training was carried out amongst NCED trainers, CDC experts and DEO personnel and teachers from two districts of Lamjung and Sankhuwasabha. Mr Paul Moclair, a senior trainer from Aflatoun- Amsterdam facilitated most of the sessions while Mr Padam Dhungana and Mr Yubaraj Laudari facilitated some of the sessions related to the learning materials developed by Samunnat Nepal as there were a mixture of participants including trainers and teachers. The second phase training had exclusive teachers and DEO personnel from three districts of Doti, Surkhet and Rautahat districts and the training was facilitated by Samunnat Trainers- Mr Padam Dhungana, Yubaraj Laudari and NCED trainer- Ms Renuka Adhikari with Training Coordinator as Mr Krishna Poudel, Section Officer from DOE.
This first training was blend of a TOT and a teachers training due to presence of both types of participants. The training was organized to develop a pool of trainers capacitated to deliver child social and financial education to teachers in future during scale up and to develop the capacity of the teachers to deliver the content and curriculum of the CSFE program in the schools where they teach. The specific objectives of both the trainings were:
- Help define social and financial education at secondary level
- Identify the learning objectives related to social and financial education and understand its progression through secondary levels
- Appreciate how social and financial education can be carried out through active learning in life skills education
- Practice adapting certain Aflatoun lessons into Nepali context in references to the learner’s materials and teacher’s guide book.