On 15th March 2015, a half day program was held to disseminate the consolidated report on LMTF at CDC Hall, Sanothimi from 9:00am to 12:30 pm. Present on the occasion were high level government officials from the Ministry Of Education (MOE), Department of Education (DoE), Non-Formal Educational Center(NFEC), National Centre for Educational Development (NCED), Curriculum Development Center (CDC), University Grants Commission (UGC), Teacher Service Commission (TSC), Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE), School Teacher Record Office (STRO), Education Review Office (ERO), Room To Read, Event Project, UNICEF and Samunnat Nepal.
The program was jointly organized by CDC under the leadership of Diwakar Dhungel, Executive Director of CDC and Samunnat Nepal. During the occasion, Dr Dr Sumon K Tuladhar, Education Specialist of UNICEF and Dr Bhojraj Sharma delivered presentations related to LMTF reports. The program was chaired by Dr Lava Dev Awasthi, Joint Secretary of MoE.