The assessment of the UOSP graduates was carried out in Nepalgunj, Banke and Pokhara, Kaski. Prior to the assessment, an orientation was carried out amongst the facilitators regards the objectives of assessment and their required support in bringing the UOSP graduates to the assessment tests. The orientation in Pokhara was delivered by Shyam Prasad Acharya from NASA and he clarified the difference between a test and as assessment which entailed about testing for the learning outcomes. The assessment was administered at the hall of Hotel Indreni in Nepalgunj and at the building of the Pokhara Chamber of Commerce in Pokhara. UOSP graduates of both the levels were seated in the same hall in both the places. The children were mostly doing home labours, employed at workshops, street children and other manual jobs. The assessment was carried out in Nepali on the first day for 2.15 hours duration and for Maths on the next day for same duration. In Nepalgunj, assessments were carried out on 27 and 29 August 2014 and assessment in Pokhara was carried out on 10 and 11 September 2014 in Pokhara. Altogether, 310 students (158 from level I and 152 from level II) participated in the UOSP assessment. A detailed report with findings and recommendations have been produced.